Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bay Rhumb Runner

 It's always a good day of sailing
when friends are nearby.

 The Rhumb runners were out and we let
them pass by (it made them feel better).

Sailing off into the sunset.
Ahhh, friends.


  1. Wish I had wiped that diesel smudge before the photo session. Did it yesterday in preparation for Saturday's race though!

  2. I'm sure that will make you faster! If I'm on the committee boat, I'll be sure to shoot your clean stern.

  3. I note with envy (considerable) that Baydog is seated comfortably at the helm, even resting on his right elbow, possibly holding a Corona in his hand. That's sailin'! That's what I want to be able to do in my next boat. None of this standing behind the wheel for hours shut. Yachting is supposed to be a leisurely sport. I'm going to get a Couch-20 or a Couch-28, or whatever I can afford. But I am going to sail couched!

    1. I hope to provide you with some tension-filled photos soon, Doc!

    2. Looking forward to it! But you're going to risk my idyllic image of leisure yacht racing aboard Bay Rhumb? Anyways, good luck tomorrow!
